Digging Princeton -- Make Ceramics from Harvest Clay at Herrontown Woods

Digging Princeton -- Make Ceramics from Harvest Clay at Herrontown Woods
Ryan Lilienthal
Sep 21 | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM
All Levels
$50.00 Members|$55.00 Non-Members
Rumor has it that famed ceramicist Toshiko Takaezu shaped her artwork from harvested clay at Herrontown Woods. Thus inspired, participants in this workshop create ceramic objects from clay they dig right out of the ground at Herrontown Woods. In the spirit of physically reconnecting with historical processes, those interested in throwing pottery can try their hand (and feet) using the onsite kick wheel. Whether hand-building or throwing, we look forward to a fun, productive, and grounding workshop.In case of rain, please make to sure to save our rain date of Sunday September 22